To Date or Not to Date: Insightful Trends From the Dating Vertical

Let's start with a quiz — lack of what important element of an affiliate strategy in the dating (social) vertical (actually, in any other) will hinder your success, even if you know the theory by heart, and have all the right tools and enough budget? We won’t trick you here, it's a complicated question but you face the answer almost every day — it’s a competitive advantage. No matter how highly effective your monetization strategy is, if it's inferior to your competitors, you'll be rapidly losing your chances of return on your marketing investments. And what aspect will help you stay one step ahead of the competition? Being on top of the trends!

We have conducted the market research, gathered needed statistics, and came up with a few conclusions about the current trends and the tendencies that will be relevant in the future in the dating vertical. However, we needed more than just collecting data from all over the internet. This is why we also decided to share our personal notes from HilltopAds practice so that you are confident about the relevance and validity of the above trends. Take your popcorn and let's get to grips with the latest trends in the dating world.

Must-know trends in dating vertical

We analyzed several external data sources to gather statistics on trends in the dating vertical and also interviewed our in-house expert — Rimma, Chief Operations Officer at HilltopAds. She shared insights from her working practice and gave a couple of useful tips for those who are planning to monetize dating offers.


Chief Operations Officer

Expert’s opinion

What are the most significant trends you're seeing in the dating (social) industry right now? (for both: affiliates and advertisers)

The dating industry has maintained its strong position despite the rapid growth of messaging apps and social media platforms. It remains one of the most universal and easy-to-work verticals. Stability in supply and demand is explained by the fact that people are social creatures and always need to communicate. However, the dating vertical has undergone some changes.

Here we start with some significant trends, with references to related research data (we live in a data economy world, figures are our everything, remember?). They are worth attention in order to adjust your strategy to the ever-growing dating offers market.

Personalization for meeting user expectations for tailored experiences

An important trend that has evolved is personalization, as consumers demand more experiences that are catered to their own interests. User retention rates are greater on platforms that provide individualized content, including carefully chosen matches or customized communication methods.

Statistical insights

In the consumer market, personalization has become a fundamental expectation, with 75% of people expecting customized experiences and 76% being upset when they don't receive it. Personalization is a strong tool for platforms that can increase marketing efficiency by 30% and lower client acquisition expenses by 50%. It's not only about user satisfaction, however.

Additionally, studies reveal that even in situations when the pool of possible dates doesn't change, the user experience is greatly improved when personalization and customization are combined. This raises the perception of date-worthy matches. Users feel more fulfilled and connected as a result of this combination.

The lesson for affiliates is simple: focus on endorsing platforms that provide experiences that are both tailored and personalized. These elements guarantee a positive user experience by exceeding expectations and raising engagement + conversion rates.

User privacy is a growing priority for online daters

Personalization is just one piece of the puzzle. There have been many big data breaches and people are becoming more aware of the importance of protecting their privacy. Dating services are adopting stronger privacy policies in response to the growing apprehension of contemporary consumers over the usage of their data.

Statistical insights

People are turning away from dating apps because they worry about being hounded, being tricked, and having their information stolen. According to Kaspersky, 40% of dating app users in North America have experienced scams. This growing dissatisfaction has even led to several lawsuits against dating app providers. Despite these concerns, quitting dating apps isn't feasible for most people, making it crucial to understand what data these platforms collect and how they use it.

Mozilla’s recent report highlights the seriousness of these privacy issues, labeling 22 popular dating apps with “Privacy Not Included”. The report shows that 80% of the apps reviewed may share personal information with third parties without permission, and 52% don't follow basic security protocols. This shows that users need to be more careful about their digital privacy.

In the environment where more and more users are likely to use a dating app if it has robust privacy protections, trust is becoming a significant factor in user engagement. For affiliates, this means promoting platforms that prioritize user privacy can be a key differentiator in a competitive market.

The rise of video and live-streaming features

The popularity of live-streaming and video functions in dating applications is another up-and-coming trend. Real-time user interaction is made possible by these characteristics, which contribute to a more captivating and immersive experience. This pattern emphasizes how crucial dynamic and interactive content is to drawing in and keeping users.

Statistical insights

Although gaming remains the primary use for live video and streaming, more people are turning to live-streamed videos and chat sessions for social interaction. By late 2023, less than 30% of global users reported that live-streaming was the primary reason they used social platforms, indicating that live-streaming is becoming more popular but still plays a niche role.

In the dating space, live video is becoming more popular, with formats like short live dates that last 90 seconds and allow participants to quickly decide if they are interested in each other. As video calling becomes more widespread, live video dating is set to increase.

In addition to this, live streams are highly engaging, with 37% of consumers finding them the most captivating content on social platforms. This suggests that live video could become a key feature in dating, offering a more immediate way to connect.

Affiliates should consider promoting platforms that integrate live video features, as these offer higher engagement and a fresh way for users to connect. Highlighting the dynamic and real-time nature of live-streaming can attract users looking for more authentic and straightforward dating experiences.

The growing role of AI and machine learning in dating platforms

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning integration are at the forefront of the major developments that are influencing the direction of the dating (social) business. The way people engage with dating services is being revolutionized by these technologies. This includes dynamic pre-landers that adjust to the behavior of specific users and specialized matchmaking algorithms, AI-driven recommendations for matches in dating apps like Tinder, artificial bots for communication, and many other inventions.

Statistical insights

Interest in AI-driven relationships is overgrowing, with search queries for “AI girlfriends” flying by 525% in just a year. This remarkable spike reflects a shift in how people view AI, as both a tool and a potential partner, bringing science fiction concepts closer to reality.

In traditional dating apps, AI is also gaining traction. A survey revealed that 54% of users prefer AI assistance in finding matches, underscoring people's trust in AI to understand and respond to their dating preferences. AI’s role in enhancing the dating experience is becoming increasingly valued.

However, there are concerns about AI-driven matching algorithms in apps like Tinder, OkCupid, and Facebook Dating. These systems may unintentionally reinforce biases, such as sexual racism and fatphobia. It creates potential risk of oversimplifying the complexities of human preferences. As AI becomes more integral to dating, it’s important to balance innovation with an awareness of these challenges.

Expert’s opinion

How do you see the role of artificial intelligence and machine learning evolving in the dating industry? Share some examples. How to adapt to these innovations and boost your marketing approach?

AI technologies have long been integrated into dating products, even before they became mainstream. For buyers, the most significant intersection with these technologies is on the pre-landing page. AI can be used for everything from selecting images to creating fully functional landing pages. Although this application of AI in offer promotion is still emerging, pioneers are beginning to appear. One notable example we observed is a landing page that mimics a private messaging section for a specific product, where a virtual “woman” engages in a logical, brief conversation with the user, eventually leading them to the registration page.

You, as an affiliate, should focus on promoting dating platforms with advanced artificial intelligence features and highlight these features beneficially in creatives. In addition, convince users of ethical practices to inspire trust among those concerned about algorithm bias. In terms of your work, explore the market for AI-based tools and arm yourself with helpers to optimize driving traffic work: creating media for promotion, crafting chatbots, etc.

Key challenges in promoting dating offers today

The dating vertical has a lot going for it, but it also has its share of potential challenges. One of those is not vertically-specific — live-streaming platforms and niche communities that have made it more competitive, so affiliates need to stand out in the crowded market by differentiating their offers. Focusing on quality rather than quantity will help you deal with these challenges and ensure that the leads you generate meet the KPIs that your affiliate programs have set.

Expert’s opinion

What are affiliates' key challenges when promoting dating offers, and how can they overcome these obstacles using HilltopAds functionality?

While there aren't any specific challenges unique to dating offers, there is a standard approach that applies across all verticals:

  • Selecting the right offer;

  • Calculating the economics (lead cost, traffic cost, etc.);

  • Optimizing ad creatives (pre-landers, banners);

  • Setting up conversion/postback tracking within the ad network;

  • Launching the campaign in the ad network;

  • Continuously optimizing results.

Each step requires careful attention. If you experience any difficulties, your dedicated HilltopAds manager is available to assist you. For dating verticals, we recommend starting with affiliate programs that officially represent the product directly, giving you a better chance of retaining leads without losing them in a long chain of intermediaries.

Essential analytical tools and metrics for campaign optimization

Effective use of analytical tools and data is key to success in the dating affiliate market. To maximize return on investment, conversion monitoring, auto-optimization, and CPA goal campaigns are essential. Affiliates may significantly increase their performance by correctly configuring postback tracking prior to campaign start. This will guarantee that every conversion is tracked and enable exact adjustments.

Expert’s opinion

What analytical tools and metrics are essential for optimizing dating campaigns, and why?

The primary tool for post-analysis is robust statistics. Before launching any campaign, it's crucial to set up postback tracking to ensure conversions are accurately reflected in your analytics. 

Optimizing your results is essential at every stage of a campaign's lifecycle. If you're concerned about wasting your budget on ineffective traffic sources, we recommend using tools that are actively used by our advertisers for this purpose. Auto-optimization is particularly useful if you're buying traffic on a CPM basis. Running a campaign through CPA Goal allows you to delegate optimization entirely to AI — just set your desired cost per lead. All these tools are available in your HilltopAds dashboard at any time.

Emerging markets and GEOs to watch

Emerging markets offer exciting new opportunities for dating offers. While the US and Germany remain strong starting points, affiliates should consider expanding into Latin America and Southeast Asia, where the demand for online dating is on the rise.

Expert’s opinion

What are some emerging markets or GEOs that affiliates should consider targeting for dating offers?

In any vertical, the quality of the offer as a product is the most critical factor. We haven't observed a significant correlation between performance and country in this vertical. However, for initial tests, we recommend starting with Germany and the US and then expanding to other countries. By “quality,” we mean the product’s adaptability to specific countries with unique cultures, languages, and nationalities. For instance, Portuguese-speaking users are unlikely to engage with a site that's in English and lacks local users. Therefore, before launching, make sure to check:

  • What kind of audience primarily uses the site;

  • How easy it is for users to register;

  • How well the product is adapted to the countries you plan to target.

Advice for newbies-affiliates entering the dating vertical

The advice for newcomers to the dating vertical is simple: concentrate on producing high-quality landing pages that offer thorough product details and align with the interests of your target audience. Recognizing the distinctive qualities of various GEOs and employing targeted traffic are essential components for campaign success. By giving priority to these aspects, new affiliates can successfully negotiate the intricacies of the dating industry and generate significant profit outcomes.

Expert’s opinion

What advice would you give to new affiliates looking to enter the dating (social) vertical?

The most important piece of advice is to remember that the quality of leads is more important than quantity. Meeting the KPIs set by affiliate programs is of the utmost importance. While it’s easy to drive traffic to a site with an attention-grabbing pre-lander, high conversion declines at the end of the month benefit no one. This means you should always create high-quality landing pages that provide users with comprehensive information about the product. Before launching, study the product’s unique selling proposition and build an offer that will resonate with your target audience. Make sure to consider the audience's specific GEOs and optimize your pre-lander accordingly. If the product targets a specific group based on interests or beliefs, use HilltopAds’ interest-based targeting. If the specific interest isn’t available, your personal manager can help you gather the data.

Bonus tip: Some products provide information about user activity via API, which is especially common in live-streaming interactions. By using this information, you can rotate active users and direct all incoming traffic to those currently active.

Forecast: the future of the dating vertical

The future of the dating vertical looks promising, technological advancements and evolving user expectations will continue to drive change. As live-streaming platforms and services like OnlyFans gain popularity, traditional dating platforms must innovate to stay competitive. However, the accessibility and convenience of dating apps will keep them in demand, particularly among users seeking genuine connections with like-minded individuals.

Expert’s opinion

How do you foresee the future of affiliate marketing in the dating industry, particularly in terms of technological advancements and user expectations?

The dating vertical will continue to enjoy strong demand for a long time, but it now faces serious competition from live-streaming platforms and services like OnlyFans. The unique appeal of these new platforms lies in the personalized interaction they offer, allowing users to feel connected with local “stars” and influencers to some extent. Popularity is often driven by follower count, with creators regularly engaging their audience through streams and themed content, maintaining a high level of interest. However, the main advantage of dating platforms remains their accessibility and convenience for people who want to connect with others who are similar to them.

Final thoughts

The dating affiliate market is evolving quickly because to advancements in artificial intelligence, rising personalization demands, and increased privacy concerns. Promoting products that make money on these trends is the key to success for affiliates.

Understanding and navigating associated challenges will be crucial, especially in emerging economies. In this rapidly evolving industry, affiliates may benefit by collaborating with platforms that prioritize creativity, user confidence, and cultural flexibility. For those who stay informed about industry trends, leverage advanced tools, and focus on delivering quality leads, the future looks bright. Don’t hesitate to launch your dating campaigns, we are waiting to hear about your loud success story!

FAQs: Trends of the dating affiliate vertical

How is AI impacting the dating industry?

AI is revolutionizing the dating industry by improving matchmaking accuracy and enhancing user interactions through personalized experiences. Platforms that leverage AI are seeing increased user engagement and retention, making AI a critical component for success in the dating vertical.

What are the key challenges for affiliates promoting dating offers today?

Affiliates face challenges such as intense competition from emerging platforms like live streaming services and niche communities, as well as the need to differentiate their offers. Additionally, concerns about data privacy and the ethical use of AI in matchmaking algorithms are becoming more prominent.

How can affiliates optimize their dating campaigns effectively?

Affiliates should use analytical tools like conversion tracking, auto-optimization, and CPA Goal campaigns to maximize ROI. Setting up proper postback tracking is essential for accurate conversion reporting and optimization. Focusing on platforms that offer strong AI and personalization features can also enhance campaign performance.

How can affiliates stay ahead of the competition in the dating vertical?

Affiliates can stay ahead by keeping up with the latest industry trends, such as the integration of AI, the importance of personalization, and emerging markets. Continually optimizing campaigns, leveraging advanced analytical tools, and focusing on platforms that address privacy concerns will also give affiliates a competitive edge.
