Incent2Click Content Locking

17 reviews
  • OFFERS 3.82
  • PAYOUT 3.53
  • TRACKING 3.94
  • SUPPORT 3.53

Incent2Click (Incentive Friendly) is a performance based CPA incentive affiliate network. We deliver industry leading quality, return on investment, low fraud, publisher yield, high campaign distribution, and most importantly, results. Every aspect of our business model is "results" driven and with access to publishers worldwide, exposure is never limited. With innovative monetization technologies like our content locking/monetization gateway, and vast virtual currency platform, we truly deliver the highest possible value for advertisers and publishers worldwide. Our technologies are unrivaled and are second to none. We have the highest level of distribution of any competing content locking and virtual currency network. We also have the HIGHEST EPC's, Conversion Rates, and Largest Diversified Portfolio of Content Locking / Monetization and Virtual Currency Offers any webmaster or publisher can have access to. Incent2Click truly provides the most options and choices to publishers and advertisers abroad.


Affiliate Network Details

Number of Offers 1200+
Commission Type CPA , CPL , CPC , CPM
Minimum Payment $50
Payment Frequency Bi-Weekly / Net-15
Payment Method Check / Wire / PayPal / Next Day Air Checks
Referral Commission 2% for 6 months
Tracking Software In-house proprietary platform
Tracking Link N/A