Reflex Affiliates

12 reviews
  • OFFERS 4.25
  • PAYOUT 4.17
  • TRACKING 4.17
  • SUPPORT 4.33
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Reflex Affiliates is a premium CPA Affiliate Network. Our team works tirelessly to make sure that advertisers receive the highest quality of traffic. We analyze our publishers' various sources daily and optimize the results, benefitting both advertisers and affiliates alike. Our attention to detail is unparalleled, and our international account and affiliate managers monitor each and every campaign continuously to ensure the clients' profits are maximized to their full potential.

We also have our own media buying.

We only want to promote the lovestruck campaign on our review website (our own media buying).
We will not give access to this offer on our affiliate network.

Affiliate Network Details

Number of Offers 1100
Commission Type CPA, CPL, CPS
Minimum Payment $500
Payment Frequency Weekly
Payment Method Check, PayPal, Wire, etc.
Referral Commission N/A
Tracking Software HasOffers
Tracking Link N/A
Affiliate Managers
  • Boris
  • Romain
  • Christophe

Affiliate Offers

Jan 06 2018

Can anyone help me get in? I run cpa on nutra . I contacted them just before new years eve and never get answer from them.

